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[CB-CDA 2024-053]




Matters: SOCAN Tariff 19 – Fitness Activities and Dance Instruction (2018); Physical Exercises and Dance Instruction (2019, 2020-2022)

July 5, 2024


The Board has received the Fitness Industry Council of Canada’s (“FIC”) request for leave to file a sur-reply to SOCAN’s reply to FIC’s Notice of Grounds for Objection.


FIC’s request is denied at this time.


The Board has not yet commenced a proceeding in regard to the above Proposed Tariffs. When the Board sought Notice of Grounds in Order 2024-010, it did so to complete a preliminary assessment of the file. The Board requires no further information at this time.


To the extent that FIC wishes to address procedural or substantive concerns with SOCAN’s positions, it may request leave to do so once the proceeding is commenced.


Parties will receive a notice when the Board formally initiates the proceeding for the consideration of Proposed Tariffs, which will include more information regarding the next steps.


For more information regarding the conduct of proceedings, we draw the parties attention to Part 4 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure and to the Board’s Practice Notices.



Greg Gallo

A/Secretary General

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.