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Copyright Board

Canada Coat of Arms

Commission du droit d’auteur


CB-CDA 2025-011


Notice of Initiation


Proceeding: SOCAN 2.D – Canadian Broadcasting Television (2015-2025)

February 4, 2025

I. Proposed Tariffs to be Considered

[1] On December 20, 2024, I asked that parties provide comments on whether the proposed tariff for the years 2026-2028 should be considered together with the proposed tariffs for the years 2015-2025. Both parties filed their submissions on January 10, 2025.

[2] Because there is no consensus among the Parties, I will not consolidate the consideration of the two tariff periods.

[3] The Board is ready to proceed with the consideration of the following proposed tariffs (the “Proposed Tariffs”):

  • SOCAN 2.D CBC Television, for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 (suspended until now as per Order CB-CDA 2018-089);
  • SOCAN 2.D – Television - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, for the years 2019, 2020-2022, and 2023-2025.

II. Objections

[4] Objections have been filed by the Canadian Broadcasting Television (CBC) to each of the Proposed Tariffs.

III. Language of Proceeding

[5] Parties may address the Board and each other in the official language of their choice.

[6] To-date, the Parties have addressed the Board in both English and French. As such, the proceeding will be conducted in both official languages.

IV. Confidential Information

[7] If a party anticipates that they will need to disclose confidential information in the course of this proceeding, they are invited to request a confidentiality order as soon as possible (see Rule 46 of the Copyright Board Rules of Practice and Procedure). For more information, see the Practice Notice on Confidential Information (PN 2024-013).

V. Proceeding Detail Page

[8] Information about this proceeding can be found on the Board’s website under “Cases and Tariffs - Ongoing Cases”.

VI. Interveners and Letters of Comment

[9] A person with an interest in this proceeding may file a request for intervener status as per Rule 52. Any person may file a letter of comment as per Rule 53. These two options are explained in the Board’s User Guide - Tariff approval process.

[10] Please contact the Registry as soon as possible for further information on how to file a request to intervene or a letter of comment.

VII. Joint Statement of Issues

[11] As per Rule 24, once a proceeding is initiated, the collective society and objector must file a joint statement of issues. For more information, see the Practice Notice on Filing of Statement of Issues to be Considered (PN 2023-012).

[12] Notwithstanding the fact that the Parties have agreed during the October 23, 2024, Case Management Conference to file their joint statement of issues by February 7, 2025, Parties now have until Tuesday, February 18, 2025 to do so.



René Côté

Case Manager

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