NOTICE OF GROUNDS FOR PROPOSED TARIFF Filed with the Copyright Board by SOCAN on 2023-10-23 pursuant to Rule 15 of Copyright Board Rules of Practice and Procedure
SOCAN Tariff 14 – Performance of an Individual Work (2025-2027)
1. Description of Uses Covered by the Proposed Tariff This tariff applies to the performance in public of a single musical work in SOCAN’s repertoire. 2. Description of Users / Groups of Users Covered by the Proposed Tariff Users are anyone who performs in public a single work in SOCAN’s repertoire. If more than one work from SOCAN’s repertoire is performed during any particular event, the royalties are calculated under other applicable tariffs. Importantly, it is the nature of the use, and not the nature of the user, that determines whether the tariff applies.
3. Explanation of How Royalties are Determined The proposed royalty rate for 2025-2027 is determined by the duration of the musical work performed, with the flat fee royalty payable increasing with the duration of the work.
The proposed royalty rates have been increased for inflation according to the Board’s established CPIadjustment formula. SOCAN has estimated the appropriate inflationary increase based on projected CPI for the relevant years. According to the Board’s adjustment formula, this figure will likely change once actual CPI data is available. Notwithstanding the proposed royalty rates, SOCAN requests that the Board certify the maximum inflationary increase that SOCAN is entitled to under the Board’s adjustment formula at the time of certification of the tariff.
4. Submissions on the Collection of Information The proposed tariff does not require the collection of any information from users, aside from the total royalty payable.
5. Explanation of Changes from Previously Approved Tariff Proposed Tariff 14 includes the following changes from the previously approved tariff: 1) The proposed tariff adds a “Terms and Conditions” section that includes clauses concerning taxes on royalty payments and interest on late royalty payments. These clauses are consistent with other approved SOCAN tariffs and were included in the “General Provisions” of the previously approved tariff. The audit clause from the previously approved tariff has been moved to this general “Terms and Conditions” section.
2) The proposed royalty amounts have been adjusted to account for inflation as explained above.
Published by the Copyright Board of Canada, pursuant to subsection 17(2) of the Copyright Board Rules of Practice and Procedure, on November 15, 2023.