Unlocatable Copyright Owners

Decision Information

Decision Content

Copyright Board Canada

Commission du droit d’auteur Canada


Ottawa, February 10, 2025 Non-exclusive licence issued to Productions 2PAR4, Vancouver, British Columbia, pursuant to subsection 77(1) of the Copyright Act

The licence authorizes the reproduction (including modification) and communication to the public by telecommunication of the photograph representing the Psychedelic Therapy Room at the Hollywood Hospital, from the work LSD-25 and Mescaline as Therapeutic Adjuvants : Experience from a Seven Year Study by J. Ross MacLean, D.C. MacDonald, F. Ogden, and E. Wilby (1965), in the context of the distribution and the promotion of the podcast “Flashback”.

The licence is valid from October 1 st , 2024 to October 31 st , 2029. The issuance of the licence does not release the licensee from the obligation to obtain permission for any other use not covered by this licence.

The licence is non-exclusive and valid only in Canada. For other countries, it is the law of that country that applies.

The licensee will pay the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25) to anybody who establishes, before October 31 st , 2034, ownership of the copyright in the work covered in this licence.

The coming into force of this licence is conditional on the licensee filing with the Board a notice of undertaking to comply with the conditions set out in paragraph (5).

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.